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"Whisker fatigue" is a real thing. Whiskers have an incredible number of nerve receptors in them and they are particularly sensitive at the tips, where each has a sensory organ called a proprioceptor. When the proprioceptors touch an object, vibrations travel down the whiskers to follicles that are rooted in the nerve-rich areas of your cat's face. When whiskers touch too many things in the course of a day it can cause sensory overload. When the whiskers touch the sides of bowls when kitty eats and drinks it can be causing whisker fatigue, pain and stress - which can lead to behavioral issues.


The BecoBowl is eco-friendly made from natural plant fibers from bamboo and rice husk. The bowl is dishwasher friendly, will last for years and is biodegradable when disposed of.

Whisker Happy - BecoBowl - Gray

  • We accept returns. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 30 days of your purchase with receipt or proof of purchase.

  • We also offer free local/Dallas, TX pick up and sometimes delivery.

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