Certified Feline Training & Behavior Specialist, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant, Fear Free Certified Trainer, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher
Available for Nationwide Consulting
Cat Behavior Solutions is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We rely on your donations to do our work!
Vitakraft Feline Right at Home Grant
Vitakraft understands the importance of having a good relationship with your cat. That’s why they craft the best cat treats Molly has ever found. Molly uses their Lick ‘n Lap and other cat treats in her shelter programs and when using positive reinforcement training in the home. Vitakraft is invested in improving the lives of cats and creating a tighter bond between you and your cat.
Grant funds are reserved for under-privileged families who would not otherwise be able to afford the $300 consultation donation. If you would like to be considered for a grant, please click here for the application. You’ll be asked to describe your personal situation and what is going on with your cats. All grant consultations may be filmed and used for educational and marketing purposes either by Cat Behavior Solutions or Vitakraft. Additionally, Molly may want to film a follow up consultation meeting with you demonstrating what you’ve done and the progress with your cat. Email us if you have additional questions about the grant.

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If you cannot afford the consultation fee, you might qualify for a grant generously donated by Vitakraft - the makers of the yummiest cat treats.Click here for more information about the Vitakraft Feline Right at Home Grant.